collana: i Rèfoli
confezione: e-book
pubblicazione: aprile 2021
pagine: 20
isbn 9788821198199
Europe’s door
The Italian border of the Balkan route With the integral edition of Mauro Caputo’s film “No borders. Stream of consciousness”
Whereas public opinion is focused on the landing of the migrants that cross Mediterranean sea in order to reach the Southern coasts of Italy, in the North of the Country, a thousand kilometres far from there, thousands of “invisibles” of the Balkan route cross the border through Trieste’s woods to silently reach other European destinations. This flow is constantly increasing, and it is testified by this unreleased reportage and by the expose that inspired it. A journey through nameless and desperate stories and their delicate international backgrounds. “Away from the media clamour, says the Italian director Mauro Caputo, thousands of people cross the Italian border, not too far from where I live, throwing away all their belongings, even their identities. There was the need to understand and tell this phenomenon, a moral and human necessity I could not back out of. Because we must not forget that all around the world, a person over 97 is escaping”.  
Mauro Caputo, director, screenwriter and filmmaker, collaborated with Giorgio Pressburger by directing “Message for the century”, “Munich’s clock”, “The fragrance of a time of fairytales” and “The law of white spaces”, which were presented and stood out among the most known rewards and international film festivals and were transmitted by Rai. Donatella Ferrario, reporter for “Periodici San Paolo”, for years she has worked for cinema as editor-in-chief of online newspapers; since 2009 she has been dealing with culture by writing articles, interviewing and editing, for the monthly Jesus, the section “Frammenti”. Among her publications: “Multi-ethnic Milan”, “History and stories of the global city”, with Fabrizio Pesoli (Meravigli, 2016); “Digress. A journey looking for the other and the other side” (San Paolo, 2018).

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